Stiri: Evenimente

Med Academy International Exhibition Event - Romexpo, Bucharest
  • 2018-08-29
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Health Media Services organizes the Med Academy International Exhibition, between September 21 and 23, 2018 at Romexpo,Bucharest  an scientific event and large-scale exhibition, hosting  more than 250 exhibiting companies, 15,000 visitors (5,000 physicians, pharmacists, nurses and 10,000 patients), interested in getting acquainted with the latest developments in the medical world. Why... [...]

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Eveniment Med Academy International Exhibition 2018 - Romexpo Bucuresti
  • 2018-08-29
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Health Media Services organizează  Med Academy International Exhibition, intre 21 si 23 septembrie 2018 la Romexpo, Bucuresti un eveniment expozițional și știintific de mare anvergură ce va găzdui peste 250 de companii expozante, 15.000 de vizitatori (aproximativ 5.000 medici, farmaciști, asistenți și 10.000 de pacienți), interesați în a se familiariza cu ultimele noutăți din lumea medi... [...]

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Eveniment de Brokeraj in domeniul Sanatatii si Bioeconomie, 07.06.2018, Iasi
  • 2018-06-29
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In data de 07.06.2018, la Iasi, a avut loc Evenimentul de Brokeraj in domeniile de Sanatate si Bioeconomie. Organizatorii acestui eveniment, RoHealth-Clusterul pentru Sanatate si Universitatea Tehnică "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iaşi au sustinut reprezentantii companiilor si organizatiilor din Romania pentru a dezvolta proiecte de interes comun. Evenimentul a reusit, datorita contributie... [...]

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Brokerage event in Health and Bioeconomy
  • 2018-06-19
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In the date of 07.06.2018, in Iasi, the brokerage event was held in the fields of health and bio. The organizers of this event, the Rohealth-cluster for health and Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" in Iasi supported the representatives of Romanian companies and organizations to develop projects of common interest. The event succeeded, due to the active contribution of the part... [...]

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Evenimentul pe Bioeconomie - MADE IN DANUBE (24-25 mai 2018)
  • 2018-04-02
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"Made in Danube "este un proiect strategic implementat de programul transnaţional Interreg Danube co-finanţat de fondurile Uniunii Europene (FEDR, IPA). Obiectivul său este de a promova bioeconomia în regiunea Dunării prin sprijinirea a 3 hub-uri viabile de inovare în domeniul silviculturii, agriculturii și biocombustibililor. Inovarea și progresul tehnologic sunt forțele mot... [...]

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  • 2018-02-26
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On February 20, 2018, the General Meeting of the ROHEALTH Health Cluster members took place in the Senate Hall of the "CAROL DAVILA" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. On this occasion, the members of the association also presented the themes of future research as well as the opportunities for collaboration and financing in the national and international partnership. Mo... [...]

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